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YSunday, July 19, 2009' 10:15 PM

Hello! I'm back to blogging again.

I'm currently feeling very terrible now. I have no idea whether I should go to school tomorrow as there will be presentation and individual consists 20% of the module marks. Omg. How?! If I were to go to school tomorrow in my current condition now, I'm afraid it won't be doing any good though. I really feel like having a good rest. Well, it depends on how I feel tomorrow.

And I just think things aren't going the way I want to be. All these things come at the wrong timing for me. Tests, presentation, and many more.

Alright, I think I shall end here. I'm in no mood to continue typing.

YMonday, July 13, 2009' 3:24 PM

Alright, I'm back to blogging after so many days, finally. Well, I'm still in school now and yet, I'm blogging. I was really very busy the past few days and I couldn't find the time to blog, so I just make use of this time to blog. =)

Should I be happy or sad? I had been thinking about this the past few days. Well, I had just known my first term results so far for all my modules last Friday. I feel that I didn't really do that well, except for one or two that I had done slightly better. But this doesn't mean that I can relax. I must continue to work hard and make sure that I'm able to do well. I feel sad and disappointed for my results.

However, I also feel happy for some other things. But I'm not going to say so much here. Well, I think I'm almost done with the HTML assignment. I'm done with all those coding stuffs, I'm just left with whether there's anything I can add to the website to make it better. But today when I go home, I still have lots of stuffs to do, which is for tomorrow.

Alright, that's all for now. Bye. =)

How I wish, but I know it will never ever happen...

YSunday, July 5, 2009' 9:57 PM

Hello! I'm back to blogging again. Today is a bad day for me. I'm not in a good mood today.

Well, I totally got screwed up for all the things I did today. All the things that I had done are totally screwed up. Programming Essentials is screwed up. Computing Mathematics is screwed up. And other things are also screwed up. ALMOST EVERYTHING GOT SCREWED UP. I'm so sad. I totally had no idea what to do.

So I had decided to try to unscrew them. So after such a long time, I've managed to unscrew Computing Mathematics and I had just finished it. As for Programming Essentials, I had no idea what to do with it. And tomorrow school will reopen. I still have to go to school, while other people can stay at home enjoying their Youth Day holiday. People, cry with me!!! T.T

Alright, I think I'm going to do the HTML assignment again. So, bye! =)

YSaturday, July 4, 2009' 11:35 PM

Alright, I'm finally back to blogging again after so many days. I was really very busy this few days. I was too busy with E-Learning and the codings for the HTML assignment. I really don't like E-Learning andd I'm getting sick of seeing codes after codes. But what can I do?

Okay, so Monday school will reopen and I totally don't like it. And I still have a lot of things that are not yet done. Oh no! I think I really have to rush.

And by the way, I was searching for some songs just now. And I came across a song called 'New Divide' by 'Linkin Park'. It's the soundtrack for 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'. Although I did not watch the movie, I knew that it was the soundtrack as I saw it once on the TV advertisement. It's a nice song. And I also went to youtube to watch the official music video and I had decided to share it with you people. Do enjoy. ^^

And bye. (:

YTuesday, June 30, 2009' 10:55 PM

Alright, I'm back to blogging again. This will be a short post as time is quite packed for me now.

To make it short, I'll just conclude that today is a boring day to me.
Okay, and the problem now is that I feel like dozing off.

Okay, I think I better stop all these nonsense. Lol. I'm still in the process of doing the web design now. But I think I'll just stopped for the time being and continue with it tomorrow. Because IT'S TIME FOR TELEVISION NOW!!! ^^

Okay, bye. (:

YMonday, June 29, 2009' 10:09 PM

Okay, so today is the start of the E-Learning week. It also makes my day boring and busy.

Today, I woke up at 7am. I had breakfast. After that, I started on my E-Learning at 8am. I had also realised that only quite a few of my classmates were online. The E-Learning time is from 8am to 1pm for the whole of this week. Although the time table was scheduled like this, but I just simply don't see the point of following it, because I think most of the people will not follow it. Let me ask, who will be willing to wake up so early just for the E-Learning?! I bet there will be very few people who will be willing to wake up so early, because it is very tiring and very few people will sleep early nowadays.

In conclusion, I think I won't be waking up so early for the next 4 days of the week, just because of the E-Learning. I just don't see the point of it. So I think I will just wake up at the normal timing from tomorrow onwards. I also don't like the E-Learning thing. I don't think it will do me any good, although some people might like it. Well, different people have different point of view. That's what I'm going to say, so I hope that no one will be here trying to complain what I had said.

Alright, I'm going to continue with the web design now. And after that, I'm going to watch television again. Bye! (:

YSunday, June 28, 2009' 10:51 PM

Alright, I'm back to blogging again. Since it's quite late now, I'll just keep the post short and I'm not going to write a long story.

I had finally started on the assignment for the personal website. The HTML thing and all those codes are seriously making me go crazy, and I've only done a few web pages. I still have a lot more to do. =( I had been working on it for three days, and I'm still in the process of doing it now.

Just to conclude that, I will be quite busy nowadays and I doubt I will have the time to blog. And I believe that the stress feeling will be back very soon, which I think it's a bad thing for me. Tomorrow is the start of the E-Learning week, meaning I will be at home this week. It's just that I'm having lessons at home, so hope that I will be able to focus. =)

Alright, I think I'm going to sleep soon. I still have to get up early tomorrow. =(

Bye. =)

What I want is just to see you everyday and that will be enough. As simple as that.

Th' LadyY

the crazy girl
Sweet Seventeen
21 July 1992
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